With autumn in full swing and winter approaching, Ultra-Lite would like to address a few topics that we feel can help with product updates and winter maintenance tips.
On the Launch Page of the Dealer Portal, after you login, there is an updated area at the bottom that includes new Product Information. This information includes products that are End of Life or Discontinued and also new products or changes to existing products.
For example: All Patio remotes from Somfy are being discontinued and Ultra-Lite has added a new buildout size to help extend off the structure and clear protrusions.
Winter Maintenance is important and even though there isn't any upkeep required over any other time of year, there are certain things to watch for.

Snow buildup on the curtain can cause the barrel to expand in the hood and roll over itself.
Ice buildup on the base of the curtain may cause the curtain to freeze and separate if operated.
If ice buildup in the key switch is causing the key to jamb, use de-icer to clear the keyway.
We have added new buildout options to our Roll Shutter and Roller Door products.

New RTS Programming and Fabric Selection Help have been added to our website.

For additional information on cold weather issues, please reference our help file.